ISO 45001:2018 Certification

All-Terrain Crane Inspection Guide and Checklist

Learn how to complete an All-Terrain Crane inspection procedure to make sure your All-Terrain Crane is ready for the next job or project.

As with any piece of heavy machinery, inspecting the machine before use is vital to the safety operating of it as well as the health and safety of everyone working on or around it. All-terrain cranes should undergo a thorough all-terrain crane inspection before every use to ensure that no major faults are found that could impact its ability to do its job safely.

We’ve put together an all-terrain crane inspection checklist for dummies, with points that should be checked without question before every use. Follow these crane checklist points and you won’t go wrong.

All-Terrain Crane Inspection Procedure

What is the procedure for all-terrain crane inspections?

All good inspectors, should be working off a thorough all-terrain crane inspection checklist during their daily inspections so that a written record can be kept of the inspections that took place; where, when and how they went too.

There are several main points/areas that need to be assessed for damage or breakage on your crane daily:

  • Body Work – check for maladjustments on the body work or chassis that could interfere with the safe operating of the crane
  • Leakages – check for any oil or water leaks in or around the crane including checking all lines, tanks, valves, drains or hydraulic systems on board
  • Brakes – check and test to see if the breaks are in good working order
  • Hooks – the hooks or ends of the crane should be checked for any cracks or damages daily
  • Wear and Tear – the crane as well as its tyres, chains, ropes and any other moveable parts should be checked for general wear and tear that could impact or distort its performance.
  • Safety and Warning Lights – are all safety and warning lights in good working order.
  • PPE and Signage – does everyone, including the operator, have the correct PPE equipment and clothing to be working with a machine of this sort and is there correct signage in and around the crane to alert for safety?

How to make sure your all-terrain crane is ready for a project?

Whether you’re using a brand-new all-terrain crane or hiring a pre-used one, it should be checked for project readiness first. In fact, the rule of thumb for safety is that the crane should be checked using the above checklist daily or before every use and then inspected in more detailed or serviced monthly.

Who conducts/completes an all-terrain crane inspection and checklist?

Ideally a crane operator or a crane operating manager should be responsible for the crane’s daily inspection. As a crane operator, you will be using the machine daily and therefore have an investment in its safe working.

If you have a robust inspection checklist created for your work site and for the cranes that you’ll be operating, it makes the inspection process easy-to-follow. Make sure you keep a record of your daily and monthly inspections and services as part of a robust health and safety programme for every work site.

If you’d like to know about the appropriate inspection guidelines and checklists to follow, contact the specialists in crane hire today. Contact Concord Cranes online or call them now on 011 805 8071 for all your crane hiring needs now – unlock a world of collaboration.

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