Steps To Safe and Efficient Crane Erection
Safety when erecting or working with cranes of any sort is, of course, paramount. When it comes to erecting a tower crane that is going to be in place for some time while work commences, is no mean feat. In fact, there are many safety procedures that need to take place before crane erection can even happen, as well as factors that need to be checked on the day that could inhibit the safe erection of the crane down to the last minute.
As one of the leading mobile crane hire and rigging specialists, Concord Cranes, has created a checklist on safe crane erection. If you’re wondering, how are building cranes erected, read this blog now;
Safe Crane Erection Checklist
Here are our top priority points to follow on how to erect a crane:
Plan The Crane Erection Process
Planning is everything when it comes to working with heavy-duty machinery. Co-ordinating the logistics around every part of the erection process is essential. When erecting a building crane, these elements need to be planned for;
- Configurations of the project – teams and supervisors need to know what heights, lengths and weights are involved in all the machinery in the project including assist cranes, jibs, counter jibs etc.
- Location – pre-planning around the perfect crane location needs to be done to determine if the site is safe to assemble on. The site also needs to be prepared for the erection process to take place which includes preparing road closures and other traffic interruptions issues that might take place when the erection project is happening.
- Weather – planning ahead for the weather can sometimes be impossible. However, part of the planning process is to check ahead for weather predictions around the time that the crane needs to be erected which includes checking on forecasts of wind speeds. Assessments of weather safety will also need to be done right up to the last minute too.
Always Have Multiple Supervisors When Erecting A Crane
It is one thing to have a brilliant technical team erecting the crane and manning all the support and counter cranes that go with a project like this, but ensuring that there is a strong supervisor team of knowledgeable professionals is also essential. The supervising team need to know all the details of every step of the project so that they can monitor and assess at every turn. Supervisors also need to be highly trained in how best to work safely on site during a crane erection. Supervisors also need to keep calm and professional at all times, after all, this is what they are being paid to do
Use Proper Lifting Techniques When Moving Parts Of The Crane
Correct lifting and rigging procedures need to be adhered to at all times in order to properly lift every part of the crane itself into place. Rigging specialists, like Concord Cranes, should be used to pre-determine how the crane will be lifted and put into place and what support machines and structures will need to be in place. This process will also form part of the planning stage of the project too.
Ensure Crane Erection Safety Procedures Are Followed
By creating a crane erection procedure manual, which includes stringent safety regulations for every point, is a detailed part of the project process. How large is the site safety perimeter? Who is permitted to be where on site? What is the technical process of the erection stages and who is responsible for every step? Are just some questions that should be effectively and clearly addressed in an erection safety manual for every project.
If your business is needing to get in touch with a mobile crane and rigging specialist company that has a proven track record when it comes to crane erection and safety, contact the Concord Cranes team today on 011 805 8071.
How to erect a crane safely?
There are several steps that need to be taken in order to plan for the safe erection of a building crane. From planning to execution, erecting a crane is a project that requires meticulous planning and a team of highly trained supervisors to oversee every step.
What are the hazards in the crane erection process?
Poor planning and lack of site preparation can severely impact the safety of a crane erection project. Lack of accountability and poor communication can also be hazards to the effective installation of a crane. ON the day, external factors like rain, wind and other weather conditions can be severe hazards to safety too.
How do you erect a crane?
We’ve put together a blog on the main aspects of safely and efficiently erecting a crane. Read our blog above for more details.
Do you need a crane to erect a crane?
Often, smaller cranes and counter cranes are needed during the erection of a large building crane. In the planning process, specialists like Concord Cranes, will determine the height, weights and lengths of all the support cranes needed to erect the larger one.
How are cranes built and taken down?
Cranes are built piece by piece, just like Lego. Every part is carefully secured on top of the other using a team of highly skilled technicians and riggers.
Contact Concord Cranes for all your mobile crane hiring and specialised service needs now.